The Imperial Cult was not the worship of mere mortals
- it
acknowledged that Deity and divine power can work through those in positions of
responsibility and Greatness. Just as Jesus
is today worshipped as a Man who was in part God the Divine Emperors were
revered as humans manifesting Empire in accord with the Gods.
The Prophets and
Saints of all religions are revered for having been divinely chosen to
manifest Religion. The Roman Emperors and Imperial families have been equally revered for being divinely chosen
to manifest and embody Civilization.
Acknowledgement of
the Deity within humanity has always existed. The mythology and
scriptures of all religions show that humans
have divine spirit and can ascend to the realms of the Gods. The Greeks and
Romans honored many divine Heroes and Demigods long before the
time of Empire. In Roman homes the spirit of the head of the
household was honored at the family shrine called the Lararium.
In accord with such
tradition the Emperors were
honored during their lifetimes as manifestations of Divine Power, and honored after their
deaths as divine beings able to bestow blessings, and intercede with
the Gods.
we continue to honor the Divii Imperii, the Divine Emperors as Divine
Beings who were raised to power by the Gods in life, and
who continue to dwell with them in the Heavens. By honoring them we
bless ourselves, our history, our civilization and our world. |